CASC Gift Aid Advisory & Claims Service
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CASC Aid is a special new Fundraising & Gift Aid Advisory Service for CASCs.

There are still (in 2025) far too many CASC Registered Clubs that either do not claim Gift Aid or don't fully explore their potential to claim a Tax rebate. CASC Aid have reported that each Tax year, scores of millions of pounds of potential Gift Aid Tax rebate remains unclaimed by CASCs.

Clubs regularly make the mistake that they don't have enough donation income or perhaps none of this kind of income at all. Yet, most clubs would be surprised at the various potential activities that may lead to a viable Gift Aid claim. For example, a simple Donation Button on the club web site can help a club to greatly increase fundraising visibility and improve donation & Gift Aid income streams. There is the added potential to claim Gift Aid on (for example) donated professional services and travel costs which are donated back to the club by taxpaying individuals.

If your club is interested in knowing more about either claiming Gift Aid or obtaining help to submit Gift Aid claims more efficiently online, please contact us first by completing this brief enquiry form.

Note: There is a brief Questionnaire on the following page. It helps us to assess a club's Fundraising needs.