CASC Incorporation Services - Enquiries Page

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Many unincorporated CASCs are becoming aware of the high level of liability that the club and its officers are exposed to.

We now live in an age where organisations face being sued for damages in an alarming number and variety of cases. The same is also true for actions against individual officers of the club.

Your club should protect itself from potential claims against the club. In addition, the club committee should not operate in the belief that Director's insurance will protect the them personally against a successful negligence claim against the club. The CASC in particular is even more vulnerable to legal actions due to the additional constraints of working within the CASC Guidance as laid down by HMRC.

To help your club, ACASC has now published an article on the dangers of unincorporation against the benefits of being incorporated as a CASC. Your club should not miss this opportunity to study our free document and discuss it at the club.

  • Simply enter your name and club information onto this form and we will send you this information by email.